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When People magazine asked Jennifer Aniston about her dating life, Jennifer really opened up as little as possible. Mostly because it’s not smart to be honest with journalists—those bastards always end up publishing everything you tell them. But here’s what she said about the possibility of getting married again: “Oh god, I don’t know.” 

Judging by the number of times she gets asked that question during interviews, it’s really strange that she doesn’t know if she’ll get married again or not… and that she hasn’t punched a reporter in the face—yet. 

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She did admit that she’s more interested in finding a “fantastic partner.” Not sure if that’s code for something or that’s just how she refers to guys in their 50s who are preferably single, but whatever those creatures are, hopefully she’ll find one. If anyone can, it’s Angelina Jolie. But also Jennifer Aniston.

Either way, Jennifer is convinced she won’t find her next partner on a dating app. And not just because she’s not currently on any. Though that sure doesn’t help. “I’m going to just stick to the normal ways of dating. Having someone ask you out. That’s the way I would prefer it,” she told People. 

But for now, Jennifer is focusing on her work, her friends, and her pets. “I’m in a really peaceful place. I have a job that I love, I have people in my life who are everything to me, and I have beautiful dogs,” she said. She also has a shit ton of money, a gorgeous face and out-of-this-world fame, but it’s not okay to say that. 

Jennifer was also recently asked about her famous ex, Brad Pitt. In an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Howard wanted to know if there’s still sexual chemistry between them, but instead asked about the time they reunited for a table read last year. “It was absolutely fun” she said. “Brad and I are buddies, we’re friends.” Buddies? No, there’s absolutely no sexual chemistry there. 


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