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It’s true. Elon Musk and Grimes have broken up after three years together, but “still love each other, see each other frequently and are on great terms,” Elon told Page Six. Aww, I hope his next girlfriend appreciates how much love there is still between them. 

Speaking of his next girlfriend, Elon says he wants to be with someone who lives in Texas, since that is where he spends the majority of his time. And there is no better place to look for a new partner than Bumble so he created a profile and was kind enough to share it with us.

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Elon, 50*

*but I look 49. 


My name is Elon but you can call me Elon Musk. Some people say I am the real-life Tony Stark but I disagree, I’m significantly taller. 

I have six children, all of whom are boys and I’m raising them to be confident and masculine. We need more men like that. 

Things you should know about me, I’m a Cancer so it really goes without saying that I was born in Petrolia, South Africa. 

Things I like to talk about: cars and space. But if you want to talk about cryptocurrency and Artificial Intelligence then set up a meeting with my assistant. I don’t talk about that for free.

Women I’ve dated in the past include Cameron Diaz and Amber Heard, but don’t let that intimate you, I’ve also dated millionaires so I’m used to all kinds of women.

If you don’t own a Tesla, swipe left. If you don’t own a Tesla but only because you can’t afford one, then also swipe left. 


More incredibly relevant news:

—Jason Derulo and Jena Frumes Have Decided to Take Some Time Apart—and by Some Time, I Mean Forever

—Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in New York City Doing Touristy Things

—Kylie Jenner Being as Relatable as She Can Possibly Be (Video)
