Scott Disick isn’t taking Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s engagement news well. He’s not crying on his bathroom floor or anything extreme like that but he has been crying in other people’s bathrooms.
He started doing it a few days ago, before the engagement even happened. He had a feeling that the big proposal was coming because he’s very intuitive like that. Also, Khloe told him.

A source close enough to Scott to know him intimately, but not close enough to keep his secrets to himself and not tell the media, said that “Scott is not talking to Kourtney right now”. Kourtney has not noticed yet. Something about her being happy and not having time for pettiness, or something crazy like that.
The source also revealed that Scott “will always care for Kourtney. She is the mother of his children and no one else will compare to that.” What a great thing to say to scare off potential women interested in dating Scott in the future. The healthy ones, anyway.
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