Being famous may seem like a blessing, but it’s certainly more than that. However, every blessing comes with a burden and seven celebs told us what’s the one thing they hate about being in the spotlight.
1. Chris Hemsworth

“Honestly, not knowing if people like me for my fame, or if they like me because I’m handsome.”
2. Robert Downey Jr.

“People see me on the street and wonder why I’m still alive when they clearly saw me die in Avengers: Endgame. It really pisses people off.”
3. Morgan Freeman

“I can’t leave my house without people asking me to narrate their lives like I do in the movies. I get paid to do that shit, I’m not gonna do it for free.”
4. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

“I’ve been punched eleven times by strangers who want to see if my body really is made out of rocks.”
5. Kylie Jenner

“I never know if people buy my products because they actually like them… or because they want to be me, poor bastards.”
6. Justin Bieber

“People always know it’s me when I’m on stage. I never get a moment of privacy when I’m performing.”
7. Camila Cabello

“Cute guys never ask me out because they know I’m in a relationship with Shawn Mendes. They would never know it if I wasn’t famous.”
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