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It looks like Jenna Dewan and Steve Kazee are doing more than just having a baby together this year: they’ll be wedding planning, too. I got together with the couple after they shared the happy news on social media to find out all the deets of how it happened.

Bea: Hi you two. Thanks for doing this with me. 

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Jenna: Hi, Bea.

Steve: Of course.

Bea: First of all… congratulations on your engagement!!

Jenna: Thank you! We’re so excited.

Bea: Who proposed to whom?

Steve: Obviously I did. 

Jenna: I had no idea he was gonna do that. It was a complete surprise!

Bea: You are pregnant with his child and you two live together, but wow, that’s nice.

Jenna: Last Saturday was honestly the best day of my life. [kisses Steve]

Bea: It was a good day for me too. A complete stranger bought me a cookie at Starbucks, completely out of the blue. 

Jenna: That’s nice. 

Steve: Not quite as nice as our engagement day…

Bea: Yeah but mine was an actual surprise.


Bea: Let me see the engagement ring, I’ve read it’s beautiful.

[Jenna shows me her ring]

Bea: It’s huge!

Steve: Nikki Reed helped me design it.

Bea: Who?

Steve: Nikki Reed. She’s a very famous actress. 

Jenna: She was in Twilight.

Steve: She’s married to Ian—

Bea: That’s okay, I don’t care that much. 

Steve: Anyway, she’s a friend and she helped me get the perfect ring for my Jenna.

Bea: What kind of ring were you looking for?

Steve: I knew I wanted something unique. It HAD to be unique. It had to be representative of who Jenna is. It had to be as beautiful as her.

Jenna to Steve: And it is. I love it and I love you so much!

Bea: It looks pretty ordinary to me.

Jenna: I love it. 

Bea: Are you planning to lose weight for the wedding?

Jenna: I’m sorry, what?! You know I’m pregnant, right? I can’t believe you asked me that question. You are also a woman and I bet you would not like anyone asking you that question. 

Bea: I was talking to Steve.

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