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Ryan Reynolds is a family man and though he works a lot, he was kind enough to meet me at a coffee shop on Christmas Eve to talk about his big plans for the holidays.

Bea: Hi Ryan. Thanks for meeting me on Christmas Eve. 

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Ryan: Sure.

Bea: I got you something.

Ryan: Really? 

**I give Ryan a bottle of red wine**

Bea: I hope you like it.

Ryan: Thanks. You really shouldn’t have.

Bea: I hope you didn’t get me anything. 

Ryan: I didn’t.

Bea: Really? It’s Christmas Eve. 

Ryan: I thought this was supposed to be an interview. 

Bea: But it’s Christmas Eve.

Ryan: Here’s a pen.

Bea: *Silence*

Ryan: *Silence*

Bea: It’s used. 

Ryan: Shouldn’t we start with the questions?

Bea: Where are you spending Christmas this year?

Ryan: At the house.

Bea: With Blair and the kids? 

Ryan: Who’s Blair?

Bea: Your wife.

Ryan: My wife’s name is Blake. 

Bea: Exactly.

Ryan: Yeah. She’ll be there.

Bea: Cool. Cool.

Ryan: *Silence*

Bea: Can I come?
