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On Tuesday, Emilia Clarke revealed that she had a new ‘guy friend’ and a ‘four-legged friend’, all in one Instagram post. To find out more, I gave her a call and we agreed to meet up at a small cafe near her place in Venice Beach.

Bea: Hi Emilia. Thank you so much for doing this with me. 

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Emilia: My pleasure.

Bea: My best friend’s daughter, Katie, is literally obsessed with you. 

Emilia: Aww. That’s so sweet! 

Bea: They have three yellow birds at home and Katie pretends they are ‘her dragons.’

Emilia: Aww. Like my dragons!

Bea: It’s really cute. She takes them everywhere with her. Even though they’ve been dead for weeks and reek.

Emilia: … 

Bea: I read somewhere that your full name is “Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke”.

Emilia: That’s right. It’s a long name but it means a lot to me and my family.

Bea: I hate it.

Emilia: Ok.

Bea: Tell me about your new puppy.

Emilia: OMG. He literally cannot stop being the most beautiful puppy in the entire world. 

Bea: What’s his name?

Emilia: Ted. 

Bea: I once dated a guy named Ted. He used to kiss his mom and brother on the lips. 

Emilia: You hang out with really weird people. 

Bea: *Silence*

Emilia: My Ted is really cute and sweet!

Bea: My Ted was probably gay. 


Bea: Did you adopt the pup or did you get it from a breeder?

Emilia: I adopted him. I was actually on a date with a guy I’d been seeing for a while, and we saw the pup and fell in love with him instantly. 

Bea: Are you still dating this guy?

Emilia: Nah. It didn’t work out. 

Bea: How come?

Emilia: I dunno. 

Bea: You must know why you broke up.

Emilia: A lot of reasons. We were both busy. But mostly because he kept calling me ‘mom’.

Bea: Eww.

Emilia: I know!!

Bea: THAT. IS. SICK!!!

Emilia: Hey! You and your Ted story are in no position to judge. 
