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You all know Kristen Bell, she’s funny, she’s talented, she’s blonde. My name is Justin Adler and I had the pleasure to sit down with her to talk about life, marriage, and her husband’s latest relapse.

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Adler: It’s wonderful to meet you, Kristen.

Kristen: Thank you. You too!  

Adler: I hate to ask, but could you please tell your kids to give me my iPhone back? 

Kristen: Excuse me?

Adler: I must have dropped it at some point…. and the tall one has it now.

Kristen: Oh, lord. [To her daughters:] Girls, please give this man’s phone back. 

Adler: The little one is drooling all over it.  [To Kristen’s youngest daughter:] Hey you, stop that! It’s not sanitary to salivate over other people’s stuff. 

[Kristen gets Adler’s phone back from her kids.]

Kristen: I’m so sorry… they’re really bored.

Adler: I’m so glad you brought them then.

Kristen: [laughs]

Adler: [holding his phone] Gross. Why is it sticky?

Kristen: [laughs] Yeah… that happens when kids play with stuff…. Let’s get you something to clean it with.

Adler: It’s too late. I will never look at this phone the same again. 

Kristen: [laughs]

[Adler puts his phone on the table next to him with absolute disgust.]

Adler: Where were we? 

Kristen: I think we were just starting…

Adler: Can I be honest for a second? I really admire how likable you are.

Kristen: Thank you!

Adler: I feel like you and I have that in common. We’re both really likable, friendly… just easy-going people. 

Kristen: You think so? [laughs] Okay. Thanks.

Adler: Anyway, how are you? How’s your husband Dax doing after his relapse?

Kristen: He’s actually doing really great. It’s one day at a time, you know? But we’re going to therapy now… and he’s learning from this so it can ultimately be a growth experience for him.

Adler: Totally…. I love that. I’ve got to remember that…. Let me write that down.

[Adler grabs his phone from the coffee table.]


Kristen: Well, that makes sense. You never really cleaned it up. 

[Adler puts the phone down again.]

Adler: Well, it’s obviously been a difficult morning for me… but I’m very glad to hear Dax is doing great. Please give him my best.

Kristen: Thank you… for sure, I will.

Adler: He’s not such a likable, easy-going person like you and me but… who is? He’s pretty great still. 

Kristen: [laughs] Definitely.

Adler: I heard that you also wrote a children’s book a few months ago… and it’s already a New York Times bestseller.

Kristen: Yes!  It’s called “The World Needs More Purple People” and you can buy it on Amazon and really, any bookstore. 

Adler: Purple People? You must be confused… there are no purple people. There are purple grapes… purple onions….. If the person is purple, they’re probably dead. It’s a corpse… Oh, good lord…. are you suggesting….? 

Kristen: No, no!! Being purple is not about what you look like…. It’s about who you are in the inside…

Adler: That doesn’t make any sense. 

Kristen: [laughs] I promise you, it does. I can send you a copy of the book if you want to read it.

Adler: Sure…. I hope it’s short. 

Kristen: [laughs] It’s short.

Adler: Anyway, it looks like we’re out of time but it was lovely to meet you, Kristen. Please don’t bring your kids next time. 


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