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A few days after Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced their decision to step down as senior royals, Meghan flew to Canada to be with baby Archie while her husband remains in England to deal with the fallout.

She and I met in a hotel room to discuss why she and Harry decided to announce the news before talking to the royal family and what her plans are now for herself and her family.

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Bea: Hi Meghan. Thanks for doing this with me.

Meghan: Of course. 

Bea: Sorry I had to cancel a few times. 

Meghan: Are you feeling better? I was sorry to hear you were violently ill.

Bea: No no, I just wasn’t in the mood to talk to you.

Meghan: *Silence*

Bea: Is Harry still in London?

Meghan: Yes, he is. I came to Canada alone to get our son. 

Bea: I thought you came to get away from the drama that ensued after you and Harry announced you were stepping back as senior royals. 

Meghan: Well, yes. It was getting very toxic for me.

Bea: I can imagine. 

Meghan: I was feeling a lot of hate and anger and I couldn’t deal with it anymore. 

Bea: Do you have gum? 

Meghan: Excuse me?

Bea: I need gum. I feel like my breath smells bad. 

Meghan: No. 

Bea: Damn. Well, continue, what were you crying about?

Meghan: I feel like you’re being rude. 

Bea: Not at all. Let me ask you something, and, this might be a little too personal so feel free to not answer if you don’t want to.

Meghan: Okay.

Bea: Does the Queen watch ‘The Crown’? 

Meghan: What?

Bea: I’ve always wondered that. 

Meghan: I don’t know. 

Bea: It’s a good show. 

Meghan: *Silence*

Bea: Are you thinking of staying in Canada for a long time?

Meghan: It depends. There’s a lot of things that we still need to figure out with the rest of the family. 

Bea: You know what I would do if I were a royal? 

Meghan: *Silence*

Bea: Get a driver. I hate driving.

Meghan: How much longer until this interview is over?

Bea: Why? You’re hungry too?
