Chris Hemsworth—who is currently living his best life in Australia with his gorgeous wife and three kids—invited me over to his home country so we could have a one-on-one conversation. He explained he can’t travel to the US right now (read: doesn’t want to) and the only way to get a face-to-face interview with him is in Australia, somewhere outside because, COVID.
So I geared up, bought myself a hat and a mosquito head net, and I went to meet Chris Hemsworth in freaking Australia, outside—like he asked—in the middle of a gigantic field.

Adler: Ohh, Chris. Look at that. It’s all so green and… so so green.
Chris: For me, it’s calming… Every time I need to find a moment to reconnect, I come here to—
[Adler senses a mosquito buzzing near him]
Adler [to the mosquito:] QUIT IT, BLOODSUCKER.
Chris: [silence]
Adler: Yeah, it’s nice.
Chris: [laughs] I take it from your outfit that you’re more of a city person?
Adler: Me? No. I’m just like you… love being outside and seeing green stuff and connecting with [stands up from the chair after seeing a bee].
Chris: [laughs] It’s just a honeybee, mate.
[Adler sits back down]
Adler: I hate those flying ants!
Chris: [laughs]
Adler: Great. Now, I’m sweating!
Chris: Yeah, it’s pretty hot, isn’t it?
Adler: Ughhh, it got me!! A mosquito got me!!!
Chris: … It’s alright, mate.
[Adler rubs his arm up and down]
Chris: Unless you’re allergic to mosquito bites, you’ll be fine…
Adler: It really burns… but anyway…
Chris: … Should we start?
Adler: Sure… How are you?
Chris: Good… although [laughs] we recently threw my older brother a Peaky Blinders-themed party and I have not yet fully recovered…
Adler: Oh, yeah… [fights two mosquitoes with his hand] I saw the pictures you posted on Instagram. Everyone was fully dressed up…
Chris: [laughs] We went all out, yeah.
Adler: Was it just you and your genetically blessed family?
Chris: [laughs] No… Luke’s closest friends were also there… and Liam’s girlfriend, Gabby.
Adler: Gabby…? You mean Gabriella Brooks, the Australian model?
Chris: [laughs] Yeah… she’s been living with Liam since quarantine started so she’s basically one of us now…
Adler: Your parents must just love that she’s Aust—[stands up from the chair after hearing the buzz of a bee]
Adler [to the bee:] GET OFF ME!!
Chris: Oh, mate [laughs] you really need to relax….
Adler: I hate it, okay?? I HATE NATURE. Everything is too green!! And deadly! You know what I love? Electricity. Being inside with an AC making me feel so cold that you can see my nipples through my shirt. But no… instead, I’m in the middle of [looks around] I don’t even know where I am!!
Chris: Alright, well… would you like to reschedule our conversation?
Adler: No…. Yes….
Chris: No problem, mate. Let’s try this again tomorrow.
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