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John Krasinski sat down with me to talk about his new movie and what it was like working with his gorgeous wife Emily Blunt, one more time.

Bea: Hi John. Thank you so much for agreeing to do this.

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John: No problem. Thank you for asking. 

Bea: What are you working on these days?

John: I just finished A Quiet Place II and it’s about to hit theatres so I’m pretty excited.

Bea: Is that the second part of that movie you made with your wife about the family who can’t make noise?

John: That’s correct.

Bea: I hated it. It was too quiet. 

John: Oh, well… that was kind of the point.

Bea: I pretty much only go to the movies to eat popcorn, and in that movie people kept giving me the stink eye every time I chewed.

John: I guess that could happen…

Bea: I still think you’re a terrific actor though. 

John: I appreciate that.

Bea: But can I give you a little advice?

John: Uh….

Bea: You breathe too loudly in the action scenes. It’s really distracting and quite frankly gross. I would strongly suggest holding your breath when you do them. 

John: I … I’ve never gotten that comment before. 

Bea: Listen, I’m just trying to help. 

John: [Silence]

Bea: Is your wife also in this movie?

John: Yes, and she’s amazing in it. 

Bea: I mean it’s not like you can say ‘my wife is usually a good actress but she dropped the ball in this movie, and it’s too late to do anything about it because it’s coming out in one week.’ 

John: Uhm… I wouldn’t—

Bea: So you can’t really be trusted.

John: [Silence]

Bea: But if you want, I can email you my comments after I watch it.


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