Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson are currently sharing a one-bedroom apartment in Australia where they are both in isolation after been diagnosed with the Covid-19 virus. I flew to Australia to talk to them about what they’re going through, but for safety reasons, I stayed outside the apartment and we talked through the door.
Bea: Hi Tom, thanks for doing this with me.
Tom: My pleasure.
Bea: What?
Bea: How are you feeling?
Tom: I’m a little tired and experiencing some body aches. But I’m okay.
Bea: Well, there’s a lot of people praying for you out here.
Tom: Yeah, we’ve been getting a lot of messages from family, friends and our fans. Everyone has been amazing.
Bea: A fan of yours asked me to tell you to “get better soon” and that “he hopes Jesus covers you with his blood.”
Tom: [Silence]
Bea: [Silence]
Tom: Is that good?
Bea: I don’t know.
Tom: [Silence]
Bea: Where’s Rita—is she joining us?
Tom: We’re not speaking to each other right now so probably not.
Bea: Why not?
Tom: She’s upset.
Bea: What did you do, besides giving her coronavirus?
Tom: I think the whole isolation thing is getting to us both…
Bea: Of course. Why don’t you just relax, drink some tea, watch something on Netflix? It will all be better soon.
Tom: Yeah, we can’t. I broke the TV playing basketball inside.
Bea: Oh, Thomas.
Tom: It was fine at first. Not having a distraction gave us time to enjoy each other’s companies the way we haven’t in a while.
Bea: That’s awesome.
Tom: Yeah. But then I said some things about her mom that apparently she did not think were funny.
Bea: Is that why she’s not talking to you?
Tom: No, I’m not talking to her because she then said some things about my mom that were definitely not funny.
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