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The world is in a collective state of self-isolation as we try to protect ourselves and our loved ones from coronavirus, and it’s easy to feel helpless—especially knowing that vulnerable members of society are most at risk.

I called Ryan Reynolds to get some tips on how to stay positive and survive a problem that the entire humankind is currently facing.

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Bea: Hi Ryan. Thank you so much for doing this with me. 

Ryan: Who is this? 

Bea: We emailed back-and-forth this morning about doing a phone interview…

Ryan: Oh yeah, right. Hi.

Bea: You said you wanted to give people tips on how to survive the self-isolation, because no matter our race, religion or political beliefs, we are all in this together. 

Ryan: Of course. Sorry. My brain is a little foggy right now because our chef left and we haven’t eaten in three days. 

Bea: Oh my lord. Is there no food in your house?

Ryan: Sure there is. Lots. But as I just said, the chef left.

Bea: Oh… I don’t think many people can relate. How about if we talk about ‘how to better manage working from home when your kids and your spouse are around all the time.’ 

Ryan: Oh yeah, I keep reading tweets of people complaining about spending too much time with their spouse but honestly, I cannot relate. I didn’t know Blake was in the house until I noticed the toilet seats were down. 

Bea: [Silence]

Ryan: It’s a big house. And we have a lot of toilets. 

Bea: Yeah. That’s not very relatable either. 

Ryan: Uhm… well, I can talk about the kids. Blake and I have two little girls and a baby. 

Bea: Yes! Let’s talk about the kids and how hard it is to keep them entertained all day. 

Ryan: My little girls and I have been watching a lot of Game of Thrones. They keep trying to run to their rooms and do something else, but in this house, we do what I say. 

Bea: How about you just advise people to stay active?

Ryan: Oh yeah. Staying active is important. I went for a walk outside for 20 min yesterday and no non-celebrity people approached me. It was heaven. 

Bea: [Hangs up.]

Ryan: Hello? Liz? 

More Hilarious Interviews:

—Blake Lively Opens Up About Her Amazing Life with Ryan Reynolds and Their Third Baby

—John Krasinski Admits He Can’t Tell Emily Blunt She Effed Up a Scene Because… Marriage

—Tom Hanks Opens Up About What It’s Been Like for Him and His Wife to Be Isolated While Sick with COVID-19
